Rocky Mountain High

Cannabis in Nepal
Abominable Snowman "Yeti"
Paradise City
Stairway to Heaven
Rocky Mountain High
Red, Red wine


         Don’t you wish you could get up above this ground and from high above stane how it looks, breathing in upper altitude? Solitude state for motivating your will or just an escape from the pressure of crowds, an attempt to feel the freedom, a goal of a lifetime, an achievement of success, the treasure of adventure climbing rocky mountain high.

      And there are lots of destinations within our Earth to get what you want, all across the Globe. But there’s only one nation if you seek for multiple tastes of mountain height. A country blessed by nature for its beauty where lies those high mountains, higher than the rest starting from small heights. You better visit Nepal once, to climb rocky mountain high, unique place, unique time and range height up to the highest peak of the world.

         Nepal, a land where you can explore what you want, mountains of a different kind.


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