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Home Stays in Nepal

Home Stays in Nepal
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Budget Hotels in Nepal


Nepal is a country known for people's hospitality. people living in Nepal are kind and big-hearted. They offer before accepting anything. There is this culture in Nepal to worship guests as God. 'Atithi Deva Bhawa", meaning Guests are God. There are so many Homestays you can get all around Nepal. Look out for some people and you will get someplace to put your head under. The home-stays in Nepal is so cheap almost free just to sleep. Offer people with a smile and of course, you will meet someone who will offer you a bed to sleep in. There are rare cases of Tourists getting mugged in the country. You will automatically earn respect once you reach Nepal. 

Although Nepal homestay programs were developed to provide additional accommodations for visitors during Nepal Tourism Year 2011, the prime aim of Nepal homestay programs is to engage more locals’ participation in activities to do with Nepal tourism besides, of course, enhancing incomes of Nepalis living in rural areas. Nepal home stays are of two kinds—community homestays and private homestays. Here, it must be pointed out that while most Nepal homestays are in small villages, some urban private homes have also been encouraged to allocate two rooms with two beds each for homestay purposes.

Nepal homestay guidelines state that in a home with at least four rooms, vacant rooms can be used for tourists’ homestay. It is also requested that the concerned family should make all efforts to give a taste of the local Nepali culture and cuisine to visitors thus helping in further enhancing the image of Nepal tourism. Interested homeowners have to register at the Local Homestay Management Committee. It is essential for hygienic and well-facilitated rooms and services to be provided. The management committee determines the accommodation package and other charges.


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