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FAQ - Trekking

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FAQ - Trekking

-       Best place to trek in Nepal?

     Well possibilities are almost endless, Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Circuit are most popular but there are numerous other treks and trails all around the country but to get a good idea of what possible discuss your requirement and interest with us.

-       Why should I go trek in Nepal?

    In whole world there are fourteen mountains above 8k Meters. Nepal is home to eight of them so you will be treated to great views according to the place a trek. Also The country Nepal is set up well for trekking with abundant affordable lodges or home stay.

-       Is it expensive to go trek in Nepal with agency?

    Cost can be depend on remoteness of the region and what kind of transportation, comfortable you need to take. Generally, trekking in Nepal is much cheaper than in many countries like Japan, New Zealand, where trekking is popular.

-       Is it difficult?

    Well this is difficult to answer, because your trek place can only refers how it going to be. Most treks are designed so that you walk a comfortable distance each day and still have enough power left for the next.

-       Is it good to travel solo in Nepal Or do I need guide?

    Yes, but we recommended you not to because it cannot be safe as going with guide. It is never a good idea to trek solo but on whole, crime and violent crime in Nepal is very low. And mainly if any emergencies arise, you will be taken care of.

-       What is the general duration of trek?

    This depends on the trek you choose but usually no more than a week. O we refer 6 or maximum 7 days.

-       Will it be cold?

    Well this depends upon the place you choose and mainly the season. In any case, always be prepared for unseasonable cold and have plenty of layers and a down coat.

-       Will I have to carry my stuffs?

    If you arrange your trek through a travel company then no.

-          Whom should I contact during their stay in Nepal?

    We assign one of our staff to look after you, who constantly stay in touch with you during your story stay in Nepal or you may directly contact to our office number.

-          It is safe to travel women alone?

    Yes, it is very safe for women to travel alone with trek Nepal Guides. While on trek our guides are very committed for your safety and well being.

-          What is accommodation like?

    Most trek in Nepal is considered in tea house trek (Lodges, guest house) where there will be everything available but some can be in home stay or some in tent.

-          How much money should I bring for trek?

    One the trek we provide all accommodation , food and we cover park fees, so you need to take only small amount of money to purchase water, small snack, tea or extra meals, local souvenir, donations etc.

-          Is offseason trek is possible in Nepal?

    If you need as extra adventure in your trek then we can provide you some trek on special recommendation requires physical strength, stamina and health conditions but only for suitable places.

-          Is tipping compulsory?

    In Nepal it is not custom to trip but porter and guides would expect and appreciate a small tip. They have work hard so if you tip them they will be happy.

-          What shall I have to bring while trek in Nepal?

    It all depends on the time and seasons of your trek.  You may require down jacket, warm thermal wears, trek pants and sleeping bag, boots, backpack.

-          Were the trek routes damaged by earthquake?

    Most popular trek area to suffer damage was Lang tang valley and avalanche at Everest Gorkha but all of them are safe now. Meanwhile gorkha it is still not possible in some places of gorkha but further west, wasn’t affected at all.


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