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Budget Hotels in Nepal

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Budget Hotels in Nepal


    Staying or spending your time in Nepal is not as costly as you think. From a 5 dollar room to a single night stay of 2250$ staying in Nepal certainly fits your budget.

     There are lots of hotels, motels, homestays in Nepal which you can choose according to your budget. Normal hotel with A/C room costs you 15$-20$ and without A/C will cost you 5$-15$ depending upon the deluxe standards of the room. Also, boutique hotel will cost you 20$-50$ depending upon its services and standard. There are 5 star hotel whose price ranges from 100$-700$ depending on off seasons and during the seasons.

    When you go for trekking do not except luxury hotels for accommodation. You will only get normal tea house if you are lucky. The price of staying is very high, higher the elevation.

Mail us if you want to know more about cost of staying in Nepal.  

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